This was shot on Tri-X ASA 400 film in my trusty old Spotmatic II. You had to be careful about how old the weather was as film has a tendency of shattering inside the camera if you try to advance the film on very cold days - of which there were many just south of 60 degrees north. In extreme conditions we used to tape "Hot Shot" heating packs to the back of the camera so things continued to work.
Uranium City and area was a playground for photographers who liked old, abandoned things. As the only way to move equipment in and out of the area was by air or barge, it was too expensive to move salvaged material down south once people were done with it. That lead to old equipment, old vehicles, old mines and even old town sites just left where they were last used and this truck is an example of what was left behind.
I still pull out my film cameras from time to time. There is still a particular fell to using a simpler film camera and the results, while requiring a little more work to processes, are still of